4 Essential Skills for Cable Lifting and Rigging

4 Essential Skills for Cable Lifting and Rigging

No one wants to go to work on a construction site if they’re afraid of being in a lifting and rigging accident. But if you hire people with the right abilities, they won’t have such fears. Read below to learn the four essential skills for cable lifting and rigging that your workers need so everyone can stay safe.

Communication Skills

If there is anything your employees need when they get to the job site, it is the ability to communicate with others. They must be capable of collaborating with their peers to ensure that people use the correct equipment and get the job done safely. Otherwise, they may hinder your progress and make your operations extremely dangerous.

Inspection Skills

Knowing how to inspect equipment properly is another essential skill for cable lifting and rigging. Before work begins, your employees must be able to examine tools, such as nylon rigging straps, and ensure they are in good condition before they reach the site.

Without this knowledge, workers will have a greater chance of using faulty, dangerous equipment. But if your employee knows what to look for, they will better ensure everyone goes home safe after work.

Knowledge of Rigging Techniques

Every situation is different on your job site, which makes it important that your employees have extensive knowledge about rigging techniques. With that expertise, they can choose which strategy will work best under the current circumstances. But if they don’t, they may choose the wrong one and put your employees in harm’s way.

Ability To Control Loads

Finally, your workers should be able to control the load once it is in the air. If they don’t have the right knowledge of how equipment capacities or rigging angles can affect things, you may see that load hit the ground.

That will endanger people and cause possible damage that you must pay for. Don’t take a chance. Ensure you’re putting someone with the right skills at the controls.

If you need quality nylon lifting straps for your job site, contact American Cable & Rigging. We offer products with premium-grade materials that will provide the level of safety you need to get the job done right.