Lifting Sling Inspection Checklist

Lifting Sling Inspection Checklist

With the type of work that rigging entails, lifting chain inspection is mandatory and regular. It truly is part of a rigger’s everyday routine. For a simple explanation and quick instructional guide, we have compiled a lifting sling inspection checklist that can help you better understand the necessary criteria for this process. It is our hope that this breakdown will provide you with a refresher of the inspection criteria, as well as a brief explanation of what you need to do to keep your lifting equipment in good condition.

Frequency of Inspections

There are three different lifting sling inspections that should be done. The first is the initial inspection that should take place before using a new, altered, or modified sling. The second is a frequent inspection that should be done by visually assessing the overall quality of the sling while looking for damage or wear and tear from use. The third is the periodic inspection, which should be a complete inspection of the overall damage of the sling. It is important to note that all of these should not be done by the individual who uses the sling regularly. Instead, someone who does not use the equipment often should conduct the inspection, so they can provide a fresh perspective.

It is also important to note that these inspections all depend on a few different elements. Some of the elements that will dictate when you need to conduct a lifting sling inspection include frequency of use, nature of lifts that the sling is being used for, the severity of the service conditions, as well as the experience gained on the service life of slings in other circumstances. All these elements and more directly contribute to the wear and tear of the sling.

Different Types of Inspections

There are a total of three different types of slings that require inspection. These types include round slings, chains slings, and synthetic web slings. While these differ slightly on what exactly the inspector is looking at, they also all contain some of the same checkpoints. If you need a refresher on what you need to look at, please do further research of various rigging inspection checklists.

Repairs and Replacements

If you find that there is damage or something wrong with the sling when completing the rigging inspection checklist, make sure that you do not use it until it is either repaired or replaced. This step is extremely important and cannot be ignored. Fixing and replacing these slings when they are damaged will directly correlate to the safety and well-being of the riggers.

Hopefully, looking over this quick lifting sling inspection checklist has provided you with the knowledge and information you need to keep your rigging materials in good condition and keep your employees safe. Be responsible and stay safe! At American Cable Rigging, we want you to be as safe as possible. If a recent inspection has shown that your sling is no longer safe, check out our adjustable chain lifting swings.